Village Clerk's Office

Contact the Clerk's Office

The Village Clerk’s Office serves as a central point of contact for residents.

The Village Clerk is appointed by the Board of Commissioners. The Clerk serves as the Secretary to the Governing Body, prepares the meeting agendas, records the minutes of Commissioner meetings which are permanent documents, and processes resolutions and ordinances adopted by the Board of Commissioners in accordance with State statutes.

The Village Clerk is the custodian of the municipal seal and maintains custody of all minutes, books, bonds, contracts, archival records of the municipality. The Clerk is the liaison between the public and the Board of Commissioners and represents the Village in relations with Federal, State and local government.

The following licenses are issued by the Village Clerk's Office: limousine, hotel/boarding house, outdoor display, towing, junkyard, theater, video games, filming, bingo, raffle and liquor.

The Clerk is the Election Official for the Village; provides voter registration applications, issues and receives nominating petitions for Village elective offices, conducts local elections and certifies the results.

The Revenue and Finance Office processes tax payments, pet licenses, payroll and accounts payable.

Staff Contacts

Name Title Phone
Tara O'Grady Village Clerk (201) 641-4950 x101
Jana Carratu Finance Office Manager / Alternate Registrar (201) 641-4950 x100
Kayla Bradley Finance Clerk (201) 641-4950 x119
Michael Liantonio Finance Clerk (201) 641-4950 x102