2020 Census Participation Impacts Your Community

The 2020 Census is here, and your representation in Congress and the federal funding your state receives for schools, health care, roads, meals on wheels, senior services, and other vital programs are riding on everyone participating. Every person missed costs communities tens of thousands of dollars over the next decade.

Participation is Easy

 My 2020 Census.Gov

By Phone

By Mail
Paper forms arrive in mailboxes April 8-16
(for those who have not already participated)

Your personal information is kept safe and confidential; by law, it cannot be shared with anyone.
Already completed your Census? What about your favorite aunt? How about that one friend that probably ignored it? The homebound woman down the street? The co-worker who always waits until the last minute? Be a Census Champion, remind them to Define Their Decade, and complete their 2020 Census.

Learn more about Census impact, Census jobs, and staying safe from Census scams.