Frequently Asked Questions

Homeowners often ask for assistance with trees that are on their own private property. We manage only the public trees, but we can provide a list of New Jersey Certified Tree Experts with whom we have contact.

Click here for guidelines for selecting an Arborist.

The Shade Tree Commission's sidewalk program is still available for homeowners who wish to repair or replace their sidewalks.  Through this program, a homeowner can be reimbursed for some expense incurred due to damage by street trees. Applications are available at the municipal building or by calling (201) 641-4950 Ext. 640.

Mulch can protect a tree by conserving moisture and preventing grass and weeds from growing too close to the trunk. But too much mulch smothers the tree just the same as it smothers the weeds. Mulch belongs around the tree but not against it.

The Shade Tree Commission can be contacted via voicemail at 201-641-4950 ext. 640 and via email at [email protected].  In your message, please provide the following:

  • Your full name (please spell it if leaving a voicemail message)
  • Your address
  • A detailed description of the issue you are having.  If there are several trees at your address, please indicate which tree you are calling about.